Business Intelligence Solutions Era with Us

When it comes to Business Intelligence technologies, we always stay ahead of the curve and use our more than 20 years of experience to provide consultancy, implementation and support services to our clients.

Our Services

As Bisolera experts, we translate your needs into actionable insights by providing services below.

Consultancy (Project / Support)

Thesuccess of BI projects depends on numerous factors, including the selection ofthe right consulting firm and the adequacy of the selected consulting firm’scorporate resources.

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Project Management

In project management ensuring compliance with the company strategies, effective planning and analysis, determining start and completion times, forming coordination and interaction correctly and completing checks in the application stage with correct observation and inspection...

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Process Chain Monitoring

Processchain monitoring is one of the main challenges in a BI system. Even you have aperfect BI system, you need to monitor jobs regularly. Because failures in jobsmay cause unreliable reports and reduce the reliability of the system.

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Assessment and Roadmap

It’snot possible to review roadmaps and follow trends of all SAP products as an ITmanager. Sometimes you need a guide who helps you to solve your nightmareproblems and to position new technologies for your company.

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Step 5


Today,many SAP customers want to move their SAP BW and/or SAP ECC system to HANA.However, most of them is not aware of how HANA enables them to get real-timeand hybrid report scenarios within this new environment.

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Coding for Specific Solutions

During20+ years SAP BI experience, Bisolera team faced many specific requirementsfrom its customers for SAP BW. Although many companies tried to position anABAP consultant and BW consultant separately to meet the needs, it could not beachieved with high satisfaction because of high consultancy days andunsatisfying models...

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Health Check &Optimization

Bysupporting many customers for many years, we realized that there are manyunnecessary developments, jobs, data extraction processes, data providers indata warehouse systems...

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About Bisolera

Bisolera is  newly established SAP Consultancy Company in 2022  over 20 years experince specializing in SAP Business Analytics Solutions. We offer cutting-edge solutions combining world class methodologies and our global delivery model.
We understand how companies use data to make decisions because we have helped the companies make those decisions as data modelers, developers, and leaders. After more than 20 years of experience, we decided there should be a better way. That led each of us to Bisolera and now we are providing state of art solutions to our clients to be able goal their requirements for SAP BW4HANA, SAP Analytics Cloud, SAP BPC, SAP Datawarehouse Cloud and SAP PaPM for both support and projects.

Any question? Contact Us

We are always close to you. Reach out to our office, contact our experts per service offering or interact with our thought leaders within Bisolera.

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Do you still have questions?

Why I should use Saturn?
Should I pay for this template?
Can I use the same photos in my project?
How to customize color and typography?
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy?

No, it’s totaly free. You can use it for your personal and comafsdasdfasdfasdfmercial projects

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy?

No, it’s totaly free. You can use it for your personal and commercial projects

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy?

No, it’s totaly free. You can use it for your personal and commercial projects

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy?

No, it’s totaly free. You can use it for your personal and commercial projects