Process Chain Monitoring

Process chain monitoring is one of the main challenges in a BI system. Even you have a perfect BI system, you need to monitor jobs regularly. Because failures in jobs may cause unreliable reports and reduce the reliability of the system. After a while employee drops use of BI system. There may be some reasons why a BI job fails;

🟩 Inconsistent data during data extraction (e.g. begda and endda dates in SAP HR tables)

🟩 Wrong character usage in master data

🟩 Development in data warehouse

🟩 Development in source system

🟩 Failure of jobs in source system

🟩 Log tables in data warehouse and source system

🟩 Network issues between data warehouse and source system

Bisolera provides a perfect job monitoring service its clients. We monitor your jobs periodically (daily, weekly). If we face an unexpected situation, we solve the problem, make jobs keep on running and report the problem and suggestions to our client. Next day, our clients can see data in the reports correctly.

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