Coding for Specific Solutions

During 20+ years SAP BI experience, Bisolera team faced many specific requirements from its customers for SAP BW. Although many companies tried to position an ABAP consultant and BW consultant separately to meet the needs, it could not be achieved with high satisfaction because of high consultancy days and unsatisfying models. Bisolera combines its BI experience and ABAP knowledge to create specific solutions for your SAP BW system. We know BW, we know ABAP, we know HANA modeling and we know how to use them within each other. This is not a work that a consultant only has knowledge about BW or ABAP can achieve and this is why we are preferred for the custom solutions. Since thisis a custom development, analyzing your requirement, reviewing your BW modelsis vital.

During the project, we:

🟩 analyze your requirement

🟩 make deep dive in BW system

🟩 develop ABAP programs and HANAand/or BW models

🟩 test output        

🟩 deliver the solution

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We are always close to you. Reach out to our office, contact our experts per service offering or interact with our thought leaders within Bisolera.

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